As technology, communications, and transportation have changed the way we live our lives, they have also altered the way many business operate, grow and develop. Just a few short years ago, businesses were more localized, with businesses serving a more stable, constant group of people- from a city or town. They were more likely to know their customers personally and deal with them face to face. They were able to interact with them on a daily or weekly basis and get accustomed to their tastes and desires.
However, with demands of a faster-moving and frequently relocating population, businesses have to adapt to the nomadic lifestyles of their customers. The result of this change is a greater prospect in a global marketplace, increased opportunity for entrepreneurship, and more choices and options for the customers. The positive feedback of commerce shifting its focus from small locations, to nation, or world-wide outreach, has also brought along a few sour grapes, forcing us to examine how to mold our businesses to avoid the chains and shackles of law. Aristotle Consultancy is one such business which provides the new age outsourcing servicing like accounting outsourcing , payroll services , virtual cfo and much more.
A couple years ago, when we said to someone, “We own a business.” it meant we owned a shop, a small manufacturing facility, perhaps, a couple retailers’ support, and thought we had it made. But now with e-commerce sites like Flipkart and Snapdeal stealing away the thunder of other traditional business, we see that e-commerce has to handle everything from technology, web development, marketing and sales, to operations, and many more fields under the umbrella. With e-commerce and their business models having to manage many realms of their business for maximum profit, there has been some heat as to whether these companies are following the proper legal guidelines of running a business. Since now companies are working in multi-varied sectors defining marketplace, trade bridges, retailers, warehouses, logistics, supply management, and e-business, they are becoming an easy target for accusations regarding them not abiding by the guidelines of business policies that were originally created for traditional businesses.
A while back, Alibaba, China’s biggest e-commerce site, also dubbed as the “eBay of China” was struck with a gripping scandal, when almost 2,300 fraud accounts were discovered forcing many to resign. Another e-commerce powerhouse, came in hot water after customers complained about product quality, causing many to examine the flooding of counterfeit devices on the internet. Zalando, a rising European online retailer, has hit controversy in its home country, Germany, after an undercover TV report claimed grueling work conditions in one of its logistics centers.
So how do we attempt to fix these problems that reside in our own country? An unfortunate fact about e-commerce is that because the majority of the business is done online, within a couple clicks, many people fail to think what may be going on behind the quick delivery, and convenient service. The most efficient thing to do to ensure that your company or startup doesn’t come into the limelight for breaking rules, or scandal eruptions is to hire an expert in business and legal matters.
Companies like Aristotle Consultancy help bridge that gap by providing services that aid in helping to progress the growth of e-commerce sites with intense speed and withstanding efficiency. While you focus on growing your company, Aristotle will provide financial, business, and legal expertise along with professional advisory management at an affordable cost. This is truly substantial because without these services and professional guidance from both ends of the spectrum, the company that you worked truly hard to build can get swayed and eventually toppled with one hit from a legal battle.